Investors Circle

Hi, and welcome Investor, we are psyched that you are here to start or grow your real estate portfolio or to take that next step in investing. Here you will learn trade secrets that only the wealthy use and methods such as leverage, utilizing debt, credit, other peoples money, collateralized equity, seller financing, piggybacking off of properties, how to structure your business, section 8 investing, how to use good debt, RE terms, scaling rapidly and so much more. This is not an over night success and does take time and effort which any one can achieve if you truly want it.

Real Estate Investor

Many people invest in real estate and they truly believe that they are making passive income, which is not true because they are Landlords, not investors. So what's the difference, A landlord is the one who plunges a toilet, answers the complaints, chases the rent and is still a worker - an investor is none of that and this is accomplished by structuring your business properly and having a team in place. Why is this important, well in order to scale and grow the little things cannot slow you down and your attention needs to be focused on a more important agenda. Setting a team in place is a necessity for building & growing a successful Real Estate Business. 90% of all real estate investors are millionaires and if you decide to go the section 8 route that would be a guaranteed government deposit into your account every single month. There are 3 types of Real Estate Investors which are Builders, Flippers and Holders. The first 2 get a payday every time a property is sold and the 3rd gets it every single month which is passive income, which one do you want to be?


There are 3 Main steps into getting your first or adding a rental property. Step 1 is the down payment which can be acquired in many different ways and you do not need much to get started. Some of our students have gotten started with as little as a few thousand dollars and you wont believe what they were able to leverage to get that down payment.

Terms in Place

Step 2 is after finding an applicable property you will need to set favorable terms for the seller to want to accept thses terms and we go through the methods of how to do this. You can decide on getting a turnkey property or a rehab project to add instant value and possible pull out extra cash for you in a lump sum.

Drop in a Tenant

Once the terms are accepted we are on step 3 which is renting out the property at fair market rent rates or section 8 and the tenant will pay all of the payments, tax and insurance as well as at least a few hundred cash flow for you. Now you repeat steps 1 through 3 which is a rinse & reppeat but now you have a new leverage added that can be used.

Example Curriculum

  Chapter 1 - Getting started
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 2 - Learning the game
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 3 - Section 8 Investing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 4 - Real Estate Methods
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 5 - Knowledge & Script
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 6 - Building a team
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 7 - Scaling
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chapter 8 - Side Hustle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Past Zooms
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Past Zooms
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Students getting Deals Done

Side Hustles to Replace your Income

many of the students want to get out of their current jobs so we took action and shared what made me a quarter million dollars besides real estate and will be going into more side hustles as time goes on. Instant money in your pocket with a very little upfront investment. Few have started with no money out of pocket and use investors in the group to fund the purchases and they handle the rest, that is what we are all about which is working together .